Our Blog - The Latest News on Health Insurance

2018 Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Rebate Timeline
MLR (Medical Loss Ratio) Rebate Timeline ¿What is the Medical Loss Ratio Rebate? Federal law, established as part of the Affordable Care Act in 2011, requires health insurers to spend majority of their premium dollars on medical claims and activities that improve...

Expriva Welcomes New Team Member
We are very pleased to announce that the Expriva team is growing. I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Mychal Walker, our new Account Manager. Mychal will be supporting existing and new clients. Mychal brings years of professional knowledge and experience to help you...

UnitedHealthcare Offers Virtual Visits to the Doctor
Virtual Visits to the Doctor is one of UnitedHealthcare's newest tools! In an effort to offer simple and up-to-date solutions to their members, UnitedHealthcare developed this service to diagnose and treat minor health issues online. Anytime you need a doctor, you can...

Poll Reveals Few People Know Individual Mandate Was Repealed
The individual mandate which required to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty if you failed to do so was repealed on December 20, 2017. However, only over a third of the public knows that people will no longer have to pay a fine for not having health insurance...

Individual Mandate: Is It Coming to an End?
Individual Mandate might see its end on 2019 Under the Affordable Care Act, or ACA, individuals and families were required to buy minimum and affordable health insurance, a feature known as individual mandate. On December 20, 2017 Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs...

Happy New Year!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

Open Enrollment Ends on December 15th
On December 15th, Open enrollment ends. If you need to enroll to get coverage, change or renew your current health plan, you only have 4 days left. Open enrollment runs from November 1st to December 15th. After Open Enrollment ends, you can only enroll if you qualify...

New Features to SHOP Coverage in 2018
Changes to How You Enroll to SHOP in 2018 The SHOP (Small Business Health Options Program) will be making some changes in 2018. The Small Business Health Options Program is for small employers who want to provide health and/or dental insurance to their employees —...

Open Enrollment 2018 Starts on November 1
Open Enrollment 2018 begins on November 1, 2017. If you need insurance for 2018, the open enrollment period begins on November 1, 2017 and ends on December 15, 2017. During this period, you will be able to buy a health plan for you and your family through the...