Yes, your health insurance coverage and the financial help you receive for premium is in jeopardy.
If the Marketplace sends you a notice asking you to send more documents, you must send them as soon as possible. If the Marketplace needs additional information, it is to confirm data submitted with your application. It’s important for you to act on this request to keep your health coverage and your financial help with premium costs.
Do it now. The Marketplace will usually give 90 days to resolve a data matching issue before your health coverage and financial help could change or end. Send your documents as soon as possible.
Do it right. Your notice will have a list of the documents it needs. Keep it simple and just send what they need. Do not send extra copies nor documents not listed.
Send your papers. You can either mail the documents to the Marketplace or upload them online by logging into your account. The latter is the fastest and most secure option.
About a month after you send your documents, the Marketplace will send you a notice letting you know if the issue was resolve and your coverage is still active or if they need further documents. If they need more information, follow instructions on your new notice.
If you have questions about the documents the Marketplace is asking, please . We’ll be happy to help!